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Fix for Weak Folder and Registry Permissions

Fix for Weak Folder and Registry Permissions Preventing Hackers Replacing Approved Program Files.

Here's another fix for a common attack vector against Windows, weak Folder and Registry permissions allowing the attacker to inject their code and replace an approved applications program file. Previously covered the attack (here).

Validates that Registry paths to Services and Software do not allow Users, Authenticates Users or Everyone modify keys to update the settings and repoint to malware.

Validates any folder that is not created by default does not allow Users, Authenticated Users or Everyone 'Write' and 'Execute', resets to 'Read' and 'Execute'.

Validates System Folders do not allow Users, Authenticated Users or Everyone 'Write' permissions, resets to 'Read' and 'Execute'


Further informaiton on these attacks can be found @

Download the text file at the bottom of the page, rename the extension to .ps1 and run as administrator. Of course normal rules apply, its at your own risk, so test first.

   Function WriteablFiles










        210617.01 - Created


        $secure10 = "C:\Secure10"

        $OutFunc = "WriteableFiles"  

        $tpSec10 = Test-Path "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\"

            if ($tpSec10 -eq $false)


            New-Item -Path "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\" -ItemType Directory -Force


        $lpath = "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\" + "$OutFunc.log"

        #Folder\Directory Permissions

        $inherNone = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::None

        $propNone = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None

        $inherCnIn = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ContainerInherit

        $propInOn = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::InheritOnly

        $inherObIn = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ObjectInherit

        $propNoPr = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::NoPropagateInherit

        $hfiles =  Get-ChildItem C:\  | where {$_.Name -eq "PerfLogs" -or ` 

                                                $_.Name -eq "Program Files" -or `

                                                $_.Name -eq "Program Files (x86)" }# -or `

                                               # $_.Name -eq "Windows"}

        $filehash = @()

        foreach ($hfile in $hfiles.fullname)


            $subfl = Get-ChildItem -Path $hfile -force -Recurse -Include *.exe, *.dll




            foreach ($cfile in $filehash.fullname)


                $cfileAcl = Get-Acl $cfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                     if ($cfileAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfile | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfile -ForegroundColor green

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfile


                            Set-Acl $cfile $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfile

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Users","READ","None","None","Allow")


                            Set-Acl $cfile $getAcl


                     if ($cfileAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfile | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfile -ForegroundColor green

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfile


                            Set-Acl $cfile $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfile

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Everyone","READ","None","None","Allow")


                            Set-Acl $cfile $getAcl


                     if ($cfileAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfile | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfile -ForegroundColor green

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfile


                            Set-Acl $cfile $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfile

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users","READ","None","None","Allow")


                            Set-Acl $cfile $getAcl




Function WriteableFolders










        210617.01 - Created


        $secure10 = "C:\Secure10"

        $OutFunc = "WriteableFolders"  

        $tpSec10 = Test-Path "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\"

            if ($tpSec10 -eq $false)


            New-Item -Path "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\" -ItemType Directory -Force


        $lpath = "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\" + "$OutFunc.log"

        #Removes Users\Auth Users Root Modify

        & icacls.exe c:\ /remove:g "Authenticated Users"

        #Folder\Directory Permissions

        $inherNone = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::None

        $propNone = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None

        $inherCnIn = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ContainerInherit

        $propInOn = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::InheritOnly

        $inherObIn = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ObjectInherit

        $propNoPr = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::NoPropagateInherit

        #Additional Folders off the root of C: that are not system


        $hfolders =  Get-ChildItem c:\  | where {$_.Name -ne "PerfLogs" -and ` 

                                                $_.Name -ne "Program Files" -and `

                                                $_.Name -ne "Program Files (x86)" -and `

                                                $_.Name -ne "Users" -and `    

                                                $_.Name -ne "Windows"}

        $foldhash = @()

        foreach ($hfold in $hfolders.fullname)


            $subfl = Get-ChildItem -Path $hfold -Directory -Recurse -Force




            foreach ($cfold in $foldhash.fullname)


                $cfoldAcl = Get-Acl $cfold -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                    if ($cfoldAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfold | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfold -ForegroundColor green

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfold


                            Set-Acl $cfold $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfold

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Users","ReadAndExecute","$inherCnIn ,$inherObIn","None","Allow")



                            Set-Acl $cfold $getAcl


                     if ($cfoldAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfold | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfold -ForegroundColor cyan

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfold


                            Set-Acl $cfold $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfold

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Everyone","ReadAndExecute","$inherCnIn ,$inherObIn","None","Allow")



                            Set-Acl $cfold $getAcl


                     if ($cfoldAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfold | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfold -ForegroundColor yellow

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfold


                            Set-Acl $cfold $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfold

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users","ReadAndExecute","$inherCnIn ,$inherObIn","None","Allow")



                            Set-Acl $cfold $getAcl












        210617.01 - Created


        $hfolders =  Get-ChildItem C:\  | where {$_.Name -eq "PerfLogs" -or ` 

                                                $_.Name -eq "Program Files" -or `

                                                $_.Name -eq "Program Files (x86)" -or `

                                                $_.Name -eq "Windows"}

        $foldhash = @()

        foreach ($hfold in $hfolders.fullname)


            $subfl = Get-ChildItem -Path $hfold -Directory -Recurse -Force



            foreach ($cfold in $foldhash.fullname)


                $cfoldAcl = Get-Acl $cfold -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                     if ($cfoldAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Users Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfold | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfold -ForegroundColor green

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfold


                            Set-Acl $cfold $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfold

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Users","ReadAndExecute","$inherCnIn ,$inherObIn","None","Allow")



                            Set-Acl $cfold $getAcl


                     if ($cfoldAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Everyone Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfold | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfold -ForegroundColor cyan

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfold


                            Set-Acl $cfold $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfold

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Everyone","ReadAndExecute","$inherCnIn ,$inherObIn","None","Allow")



                            Set-Acl $cfold $getAcl


                     if ($cfoldAcl | where {$_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  Write*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  Modify*" -or $_.accesstostring -like "*Authenticated Users Allow  FullControl*"})


                            $cfold | Out-File $lpath -Append

                            Write-Host $cfold -ForegroundColor yellow

                            $aclInh = get-acl $cfold


                            Set-Acl $cfold $aclInh

                            $getAcl = Get-Acl $cfold

                            $cfileacc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users","ReadAndExecute","$inherCnIn ,$inherObIn","None","Allow")



                            Set-Acl $cfold $getAcl




Function WriteableRegistry










    210617.01 - Created


    $secure10 = "C:\Secure10"

    $OutFunc = "WriteableReg"  

    $tpSec10 = Test-Path "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\"

     if ($tpSec10 -eq $false)


            New-Item -Path "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\" -ItemType Directory -Force


        $lpath = "C:\Secure10\output\$OutFunc\" + "$OutFunc.log"

        $inherObIn = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::"ObjectInherit"

        #Registry Permissions

        $HKLMSvc = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services'

        $HKLMSoft = 'HKLM:\Software'

        $HKLMCheck = $HKLMSoft,$HKLMSvc

        Foreach ($key in $HKLMCheck) 


            #Get a list of key names and make a variable

            cd hklm:

            $SvcPath = Get-childItem $key -Recurse -Depth 1 | where {$_.Name -notlike "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\*"}

            #Update HKEY_Local.... to HKLM:

            $RegList = $"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE","HKLM:")

                Foreach ($regPath in $RegList)


                $acl = Get-Acl $regPath

                $acc = $acl.AccessToString

                Write-Output  $regPath

                        foreach ($ac in $acc)


                            if ($ac | Select-String -SimpleMatch "BUILTIN\Users Allow  FullControl")


                                $regPath | Out-File $lpath -Append

                                Write-Host $regPath -ForegroundColor red

                                $getAcl = Get-Acl $regPath

                                $RegAcc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule("Users","READKEY","$inherObIn","none","Allow")


                                Set-Acl $regPath $getAcl


                            if ($ac | Select-String -SimpleMatch "NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users Allow  FullControl")


                                $regPath | Out-File $lpath -Append

                                Write-Host $regPath -ForegroundColor yellow

                                $getAcl = Get-Acl $regPath

                                $RegAcc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule("Authenticated Users","READKEY","$inherObIn","none","Allow")


                                Set-Acl $regPath $getAcl


                            if ($ac | Select-String -SimpleMatch "Everyone Allow  FullControl")


                                $regPath | Out-File $lpath -Append

                                Write-Host $regPath -ForegroundColor cyan

                                $getAcl = Get-Acl $regPath

                                $RegAcc = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule("Everyone","READKEY","$inherObIn","none","Allow")


                                Set-Acl $regPath $getAcl












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