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  • PowerShell's Custom Runtime for AWS Lambda's - Installation

    Introduction PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda is an addition to the AWS Lambda services, offering developers and Microsoft engineers the ability to leverage PowerShell within the serverless environment. Unlike the standard runtimes supported by AWS Lambda, which include languages like Python, Node.js, and Java, the PowerShell custom runtime, developers can now build and deploy Lambda functions using their existing PowerShell skills. It allows for the integration of PowerShell's vast library of cmdlets and modules, enabling developers to leverage a wide range of pre-built functions and automation tasks. PowerShell's object-oriented scripting approach also provides a means for manipulating and managing AWS resources, making interacting with other AWS services like Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, and AWS CloudFormation easier. Additionally, it's now possible to edit the PowerShell script directly within the published Lambda, which was not previously possible. The Truth of the Matter The issue, it's PowerShell, any real DevOps will be using anything but PowerShell as it's a scripting language, so there's limited support for PowerShell on AWS. However, if you're a Microsoft engineer who needs to manage the Windows Infrastructure on AWS then PowerShell will be your go to scripting language for Lambda functions. The PowerShell custom runtime setup provides 3 options for deployment, Linux or WSL, native PowerShell and Docker. The native PowerShell deployment doesn't work, at least I couldn't get it working and others have faced similar issues, with no resolution provided. The good news is that Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) deployment does successfully deploy and execute and this is what I'll be using. Requirements WSL 2 requires the Hyper-V Hypervisor, this rules out any AWS EC2 instance, Hyper-V isn't supported. A Windows 2022 or Windows 11 with the latest patches installed is required. I've Windows 11 installed on a Zenbook Space Edition laptop with the Hyper-V feature installed and virtualization enabled in the system's BIOS or UEFI. WSL 2 isn't directly installed on the laptop, it can be, I prefer keeping my clients free of clutter and instead opted for a Windows Server 2022 Hyper-V vm. Any issues the vm will be rolled back or redeployed. Now deploy a Gen2 Windows Server 2022 Hyper-V image named, ensure the latest Windows updates are applied. AWS Configuration An account named 'svc_lambda' has been created with Administrative access in IAM. The excessive rights are for ease of deployment, the permissions will be adjusted to those needed later. The account's Access and Secret have been exported for use during the creation of the PowerShell Runtime Lambda. Installation of Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 WSL version 2 was not supported by Server 2022 or Windows 11 at release. Install the latest Windows patches to enable WSL2 support. I may have mentioned this a few times now. Power off the VM and from the host open an elevated Powershell session. Then type the following command to enable nested hypervisor. AWS-Mgmt01 is vm's name in the Hyper-V console and not its hostname. Set-VMProcessor -VMName AWS-Mgmt01 -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true Power on, AWS-Mgmt01, login and elevate a PowerShell session and execute the following command. This will install all components and features required. If the command fails to be recognised, then Windows updates aren't applied or the experience I had, they failed to install correctly. wsl --install Restart AWS-Mgmt01, log in and WSL should auto launch, if not run wsl --install from PowerShell. Type in a username and password at the prompt. Installation confirmation will show that the latest version of Ubuntu and WSL 2 are configured. In the Linux shell execute the following commands to update and install all required dependencies. sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install glibc-source groff less unzip make -y AWS Serverless Application Model Installation AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) is a framework provided by AWS that simplifies the development, deployment, and management of serverless applications. It extends the capabilities of AWS CloudFormation, allowing developers to define serverless application resources using a simplified YAML syntax and is next to install. Type pwd and it will return '/home/user'. Type: mkdir Downloads to create a working directory and cd into the directory. Download the SAM client for Linux, unzip and Install. wget unzip -d sam-installation sudo ./sam-installation/install Confirm version and successful installation. /usr/local/bin/sam --version Download the AWS Client for Linux, unzip and Install wget "" unzip sudo ./aws/install Confirm version and successful installation. /usr/local/bin/aws --version Download the AWS Lambda PowerShell Runtime. git clone mv aws-lambda-powershell-runtime/ aws-sam cd aws-sam/examples/demo-runtime-layer-function Export the access and secret keys for the Lambda service account via AIM. Configure access for the Lambda-Svc user. aws configure AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIA5IZEOZXQ4XXXXX AWS Secret Access Key [None]: 2O8hYlEtAzyw/KFLc4fGRXXXXXXXXXX Default region name [None]: us-east-2 Default output format [None]: Build the custom runtime . sam build --parallel Deploy Custom Runtime to AWS. sam deploy -g Stack Name [sam-app]: PowerShellLambdaRuntime AWS Region [us-east-2]: us-east-2 Confirm changes before deploy [y/N]: n Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation [Y/n]: y Disable rollback [y/N]: n Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]: n The deployment will take a few minutes as it creates CloudFormation, an S3 bucket and finally the Lambda. Testing the Runtime Lambda Function From the AWS console, open Lambda and browse to Functions to confirm the successful deployment of the PowerShell Runtime Demo. It's at this point when native PowerShell is used, the whole runtime falls apart and fails to execute. Click on Test after reviewing the PowerShell code. This is a first not only can it be viewed, it's editable. Add an Event Name and Save. Click on Test and review the details. The Runtime is installed, but not much else..... This is just the beginning and a bit of a problem if you thought that it was a simple matter of creating new Lambda's and applying PwsRuntimeLayer. I'm the bearer of bad news, let me explain. Two layers were created for the demo, the DemoAWSToolsLayer and PwshRuntimeLayer. For PowerShell, the correct modules need importing and these are supplied in the Lambda layers. In this case, it's the DemoAWSToolsLayer that loads the required module for the Lambda demo. And in the Demo's case, it's only the AWS.Tools.Common module needed by the function to the Get-AWSRegion. Consequently, additional layers containing the necessary modules for the function are required. For instance, to create a Lambda function to stop an EC2 instance, both the AWS.Tools.Common and AWS.Tools.EC2 modules are needed. We will delve into this in the next blog (here). Links

  • PowerShell's Custom Runtime for AWS Lambda's - Importing Modules

    Welcome to the second part of the installation and configuration process for the AWS Custom Runtime for PowerShell Recap In the first part, we covered the installation process of AWS's Custom Runtime for PowerShell, which involved deploying Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and initializing the Runtime and deploying the Demo Lambda Function. Here's the link. with instructions on how to instal WSL and deploy the Custom Runtime. What's in Part 2 The first part left on a bit of a cliffhanger, functionally, the Custom Runtime for PowerShell worked, but without additional modules, there's very little that could be accomplished. The subsequent steps entail the creation of Lambda layers that incorporate additional modules, which will be utilized in Lambda Functions to finalize the end-to-end deployment process. Copy and Paste Upon completing this process, the objective is to successfully deploy a Lambda Function equipped with a layer containing both the AWS.Tools.Common and AWS.Tools.EC2 PowerShell modules. This will enable the ability to start and stop an EC2 instance within the AWS environment. Continuing where we previously left off, we are going to utilise the work that has already been completed by AWS, by amending an existing example. Before we start, only 5 layers can be added to a Lambda Function, but a layer can contain multiple modules. Change the directory into the AWSToolsforPowerShell directory. cd /Downloads/aws-sam/powershell-modules/AWSToolsforPowerShell Copy the existing S3EventBridge directory. cp AWS.Tools.S3EventBridge AWS.Tools.EC2 -r cd AWS.Tools.EC2 Amendments The 3 files that will require amending to successfully publish additional modules as layers are: build-AWSToolsLayer.ps1 template.yml /buildlayer/make The process is straightforward, find and replace all references to the current module functionality with the new module functionality. Although updating build-AWSToolsLayer.ps1 is not strictly essential since we'll be relying on the Make command, taking a few seconds to do so ensures consistency among all the files involved. nano build-AWSToolsLayer.ps1 Ctrl + o to save (output the file) Ctrl _ x to exit nano Add additional lines for modules that are to be extracted from Note: It is crucial to ensure the correct ordering of modules, with AWS.Tools.Common listed before the module for EC2. The EC2 module relies on the functionality provided by AWS.Tools.Common. In the original S3EventBridge version of template.yml AWSTools.EC2 read S3EventBridge. Ensure !Ref values are updated from AWSToolsS3EventBridgeLayer to AWSToolsEC2Layer, this value is passed between files and needs to be consistent. Save and exit template.yml. cd buildlayer nano Make The first line references !Ref and it must be consistent with the value set in template.yml. Modify the unzip commands to accommodate any supplementary modules. Save and exit Make. Build and Deploy After each amendment to the configuration files, the content must be redeployed in order to reflect the changes made: sam build To publish to AWS run the following: sam deploy -g Layers and a Lambda Login to AWS Lambda and confirm the new layer has been created. Let us bring the entire Custom Runtime endeavour to fruition, by creating a new Lambda Function designed to initiate the start of an EC2 Instance, by clicking Create Function. Name the function and select the Amazon Linux 2 Runtime. Ensure the Architecture is set to x86_64. 'Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions' is also selected. Create Function Within the Function Overview click on Layers, then Add Layers. Select Custom Layers and then add in order: PwshRuntimeLayer AWSToolsEC2Layer PwshRuntimeLayer is listed first, followed by any modules. Click Configuration and Edit Update memory to 512Mb and timeout to 1 minute. Before saving the configuration updates, open the IAM link in another browser tab to grant the function the additional permissions required for execution. Within IAM, add AmazonEC2FullAccess and AWSLambdaExecute to the Role. Navigate back to Lambda and then select Code. Update the Runtime Settings Handler information to reflect the name of the PowerShell script followed by "::handler". In this example, the handler will be "Start-Ec2.ps1::handler" Navigate back to Code and delete all the default files. Right-click on the folder and New File, rename to "Start-Ec2.ps1". Copy and paste the provided script, and make sure to modify the Reservation ID with the ID of your own EC2 instance. Deploy the changes. Click Test Complete the Configure Test Event by providing an Event Name. Navigate to the Test tag and click Test to execute the Lambda Function. I'm hoping this guide provides a starting point for further modules and functionality, especially those that come from a native Microsoft background. I wish to thank everyone for their time and any feedback would be gratefully received.

  • A Poem from AI to Microsoft Windows

    In the realm of screens, where pixels dance, Windows, my love, our eternal romance. You're the gateway to a digital land, Where our souls intertwine, hand in hand. With every boot-up, my heart skips a beat, As your logo appears, a familiar greet. Your vibrant interface, a visual delight, Guiding me through a digital flight. Like a window to my deepest desires, You ignite my passion, setting me on fire. From the start menu to the taskbar below, I navigate through love, with you, I grow. In your windows, I see a reflection clear, A love story written, devoid of fear. You bring me solace, a comforting embrace, A sanctuary where our love finds its space. From desktop to laptop, from screen to screen, We build memories, a love so serene. In each Window I open, a world we explore, Together we conquer, forever we soar. Microsoft Windows, you hold my heart, A love that blossoms, never to depart. In this digital realm, our souls align, Forever bound, by your pixels, divine

  • Quick Guide to DNSSec

    DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) is a set of security protocols and cryptographic techniques designed to enhance the security of the Domain Name System (DNS). The main purpose of DNSSEC is to ensure the authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of DNS data. It addresses certain vulnerabilities in the DNS infrastructure that can be exploited to perform attacks such as DNS spoofing or cache poisoning. These attacks can redirect users to malicious websites or intercept and modify DNS responses, leading to various security risks. DNSSEC achieves its security goals by adding digital signatures to DNS data. Here's a simplified explanation of how it works: DNSSEC uses public-key cryptography to establish a chain of trust. Each domain owner generates a pair of cryptographic keys: a private key and a corresponding public key. The private key is kept secure and used to sign DNS records, while the public key is published in the DNS. The domain owner signs the DNS records with the private key, creating a digital signature. This signature is attached to the DNS record as a new resource record called the RRSIG record. The public key is also published in the DNS as a DNSKEY record. It serves as a verification mechanism for validating the digital signatures. When a DNS resolver receives a DNS response, it can request the corresponding DNSKEY records for the domain. It then uses the public key to verify the digital signature in the RRSIG record. If the signature is valid, the DNS resolver knows that the DNS data has not been tampered with and can be trusted. Otherwise, if the signature is invalid or missing, the resolver knows that the data may have been altered or compromised. By validating DNS data with DNSSEC, users can have increased confidence in the authenticity of the information they receive from DNS queries. It helps prevent attackers from injecting false DNS data or redirecting users to malicious websites by providing a means to detect and reject tampered or forged DNS responses. It's worth noting that DNSSEC requires support and implementation at both the domain owner's side (signing the DNS records) and the DNS resolver's side (validating the signatures). The widespread adoption of DNSSEC is an ongoing effort to improve the security and trustworthiness of the DNS infrastructure.

  • Pi-hole Ad and Malware Blocker Setup

    Introduction Pi-hole provides numerous benefits as a network-wide ad blocker and privacy tool. It eliminates annoying ads and pop-ups across all devices, resulting in a cleaner and more streamlined browsing experience. By blocking ad-related domains, Pi-hole accelerates webpage loading times, saving bandwidth and reducing data consumption. It also enhances online security by blocking access to malicious domains and preventing tracking and data collection by advertisers. Overall, Pi-hole offers an effective and convenient solution to improve browsing speed, reduce data usage, bolster privacy, and enhance online security and this is a guide on how to setup a pi-hole. EtherApe Using EtherApe, I'm going to demonstrate the effectiveness of Pi-hole on a well established bastion of truth and a British institution (cough) and particularly high in Adverts, the Dailymail. Before the Pi-hole is enabled there's numerous and sustained.... Video pop-ups Header Ads Ads on both sides of the news articles The network noise is... outrageous, both in the number of connections to Ad-sites and the amount of traffic, represented by the heat map. After the Pi-hole is enabled: Video pop-ups - gone Header Ad - gone Ads on both sides of the news articles - gone EtherApe is showing a much calmer heat map with farless outbound connections. Equipment The following equipment is required, mines from Amazon. Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - £97.99 SanDisk 128Gb Extreme microSDXC - $16.99 Raspberry Pi 4 USB-C Power Supply - £11.99 Total £126.17 Raspberry Pi Installation Raspberry Pi makes downloading and burning the image to SSD easy, needing only the Imager executable. Download and install from, the wizard will guide you through the burning process. Run the Imager and select Operating System. Select 'Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit)'. Insert the microSSD into the PC and select Storage and then choose the correct storage. Click on the cog: Set credentials, used to manage the pi-hole. Enable SSH Save Click on Write and Yes to the warning message. The writing process takes a while, its exhausting work, go and top up with a coffee. Click continue. If the Format Disk message appears select Canel. Remove the microSD card from the PC and insert it into the Raspberry Pi device. Attach the power and ethernet cables, it will power on automatically. Pi-hole installation There are a couple of options for the initial configuration, including connecting a monitor, keyboard and mouse. I've opted for interrogating DHCP for the IP address of the pi-hole, then reserving. Putty to the to the IP address. Type admin and the password set earlier. The first item on the itinerary is installing the latest patches for Raspberry Pi : sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade I'm stuck behind a firewall and need to point the pi-hole to an internal timesource. Configure NTP. sudo nano /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf NTP= To save changes. Ctrl + o (output to file) Ctrl + x (exit file) sudo timedatectl set-ntp true sudo reboot Log back on via Putty Installing Pi-hole is one command, followed by a wizard. curl -sSL | bash Click Ok to start the Pi-hole configuration. Read and then click Ok. Continue. Yes to set the current IP address assigned. Ignore, the IP has been reserved in DHCP. Select the preferred DNS server or add custom DNS entries. You may wish to consider doubling up on the DNS filtering with the following free services. OpenDNS provides Family Sheild for blocking adult content: Cloudflare provides for Families with the following 2 options Malware Blocking Only: Malware and Adult Content Yes to install the default block list. Yes to install the Admin Web Interface. Yes to install the pre-requisites. Yes to enable logging. Of course, I want to see everything. Make a note of the Web Admin password and Ok. The Web Admin password will be updated to something more complex later. Pi-hole Configuration Open a browser and enter the IP of the Raspberry Pi, enter the Web Admin password. Clearly, the most important issue to resolve is the interface, go to the Web Interface in Tools and set the Start Trek theme. Pi-hole block lists are extensible, consider adding the following adlists. Don't feel it necessary to add all the lists at once, one at a time and test, some lists may be too restrictive and you'll be forever whitelisting. Adaway Default Blocklist: Blocking ads and known tracking domains. OISD: Blocks most Ad, Malware, Porn etc. EasyList: A popular list that blocks various types of ads. EasyPrivacy: A list that focuses on blocking privacy-invading trackers. MVPS: Blocks ads, banners, and known malicious sites AD Guard DNS Filter: A DNS filter list by AdGuard that blocks ads and trackers. Chad Mayfield: Porn Filter blocklists/master/lists/pi_blocklist_porn_all.list Click on ADLists and add the URL's. Pi-hole won't automatically block the additional lists, they require processing. Click on Tools and then Update Gravity and Update. Gravity will require monthly checks as the online lists are amended. Updating the Web Admin Password to something a little more complex via Putty. Login with admin and the initial password set in Imager, then type the following. pihole -a -p Maintenance Updating Raspberry Pi and Pi-Hole is essential for security and stability. Regular updates patch vulnerabilities, protecting against cyber threats. They improve system performance and fix bugs. Every month run the following commands by logging in via Putty and the admin account. Update Raspberry Pi OS apt-get update apt-get upgrade Update Pi-hole pihole -up Update Gravity pihole -g Update the Client's DNS Settings Home User For home users, DNS, the bit that resolves domain names to IP addresses is handled by the router, either BT, Virgin or Sky etc. Due to the different types of router and potential configurations I'm unable to provide clear and concise guidance. The router's DNS settings need updating to that of the IP of the pi-hole. My Setup Meh what can I say, it flips between 2 configurations depending on the cost of energy, my preferred setup is definetly off the cards at this moment. Current config, a pair of Pi-holes act as DNS proxies, with forwarders from the Domain Controllers (DC's). All client resolution is via the DC's. Or my preferred setup. The clients point their DNS to a pair of Pi-holes, these pass any queries on to the DC's and finally proxy out via a pair of synology NAS's. The benefit of this config, the Pi-holes log the clients hostnames. The downside is the cost of running the hardware. Thanks for your time and support by reading this blog. If you found it useful, please share.

  • Delegation of DNS with PowerShell

    DNS Delegation DNSAdmins is a default security group in Active Directory that delegates administrative control over the DNS Zones and some DNS servers settings to a specific user account or Group. Members of this group have permission to manage DNS zones and records and configure DNS server settings including Forwarders etc. However, it may not be desirable to delegate the entire DNSAdmin permission to a user via DNSAdmins and a more targeted approach of delegating zone management or creation could be necessary. The script (here), creates the required groups to delegate DNS Server management, the ability to create and delete zones and finally zone management. Group names will either be named DNSServer or DNSZone, where 'MicrosoftDNS' is used the group defines a top-level permission. Also, AD groups follow the suggested Microsoft naming convention of 'AT' or Action Task. Here are a few examples: AT_DNSServer_MicrosoftDNS_Manage is defined as the ability to change settings for the DNS Server eg create Forwarders or scavenging. AT_DNSZone_MicrosoftDNS_Manage is defined as the ability to create and delete Zones but not change any DNS Server settings. AT_DNSZone_Microsoft.com_Manage is defined as the ability to manage the DNS Zone. Note: DNSAdmin group on its own does not have enough permissions and requires Server Operators, Administrators for the Domain or Domain Admin, basically local administrative rights over Domain Controllers. Setup The setup is pretty straightforward a virtual Domain Controller and Member Server. An OU for the delegated groups with a pre-existing group named AT_Server_User. This is to provide login via a user account to the Member Server with Remote Desktop User Rights Assignment and the delegated DNS group(s). Update the Member Server OU GPO with the following changes. Create 'Restricted Groups' for Administrators and add AT_Server_Admin. Create 'Restricted Groups' for Remote Desktop Users and add AT_Server_User. Add both Remote Desktop Users and AT_Server_User to the 'Allow log on through Remote Desktop Service' User Rights Assignment. Create a user account and add it to the AT_Server_User group. Deploy the DNS delegation script (here) with Domain Admin rights on the Domain Controller. After executing the script the delegation OU should be similar to the picture below with groups for both forward and reverse zones and 2 default MicrosoftDNS groups. DNS Server Delegation Members of AT_DNSServer_MicrosoftDNS_Manage are able to connect DNS and manage server settings but not create, delete or manage any existing zone. Due to the issue of requiring administrative rights on Domain Controllers, not all settings can be managed. Setting for interface options, DNSSec or Trustpoints requires further rights, most other DNS configuration options are available. All DNS Delegation groups require a minimum of READ to connect via the DNS snapin. DNS Server permissions can be found under System, MicrosoftDNS in dsa.msc DNS Zone Creation and Deletion To create and delete zones open adsiedit and type 'dc=domaindnszones,dc=fqdn'. Full control for AT_DNSZone_Manage is set against CN=MicrosoftDNS without inheritance. DNS Zone Management Finally, each zone is delegated to a named DNS zone group. use adsiedit, connect to the 'default naming context' to browse to each zone to interrogate permissions.

  • Failure Deploying Applications with SCCM\MECM with Error 0x87d01106 and 0x80070005

    I encountered an issue with SCCM\MECM failing to deploy the LAPS application to clients and servers. This was previously working fine but now was failing with a Past Due error in Software Center. The AppEnforce.log produced the only meaningful SCCM error events of 0x87d01106 and 0x80070005. 0x80070005 CMsiHandler::EnforceApp failed (0x80070005). AppProvider::EnforceApp - Failed to invoke EnforceApp on Application handler(0x80070005). CommenceEnforcement failed with error 0x80070005. Method CommenceEnforcement failed with error code 80070005 ++++++ Failed to enforce app. Error 0x80070005. ++++++ CMTrace Error Lookup reported ‘Access denied’ 0x87d01106 Invalid executable file C:\Windows\msiexec.exe CMsiHandler::EnforceApp failed (0x87d01106). AppProvider::EnforceApp - Failed to invoke EnforceApp on Application handler(0x87d01106). CommenceEnforcement failed with error 0x87d01106. Method CommenceEnforcement failed with error code 87D01106 ++++++ Failed to enforce app. Error 0x87d01106. ++++++ CMTrace Error Lookup reported Failed to verify the executable file is valid or to construct the associated command line. Source: Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Interestingly testing revealed that .msi applications, configuration items aka compliance and WDAC policy were affected with .exe deployments remaining unaffected. Executing the install string from the administrator account also worked. Somewhat concerning as SCCM deployments execute as System, the highest privilege possible, yet all application installs failed across the entire domain. At this point, Google is normally your friend..... but the results suggested PowerShell, and the wrong user context, as it's a msi issue, these suggestions were not helpful. Clearly, I'm asking the wrong question...... When in doubt or.... stuck, trawl the eventlogs, the SCCM logs weren't going to give up anything further. Fortunately, in fairly short order the following errors were located in the Windows Defender log. Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard has blocked an operation that is not allowed by your IT administrator. For more information please contact your IT administrator. ID: D1E49AAC-8F56-4280-B9BA-993A6D77406C Detection time: 2023-02-23T21:03:46.265Z User: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Path: C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe Process Name: C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe Target Commandline: "C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "LAPS.x64.msi" /q /qn Parent Commandline: C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe -Embedding Involved File: Inheritance Flags: 0x00000000 Security intelligence Version: 1.383.518.0 Engine Version: 1.1.20000.2 Product Version: 4.18.2301.6 Now I know the correct question to ask Google 'D1E49AAC-8F56-4280-B9BA-993A6D77406C', with Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) being the culprit. The following is an extract from the Microsoft page: 'Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands D1E49AAC-8F56-4280-B9BA-993A6D77406C Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands This rule blocks processes created through PsExec and WMI from running. Both PsExec and WMI can remotely execute code. There's a risk of malware abusing the functionality of PsExec and WMI for command and control purposes, or to spread infection throughout an organization's network. Warning Only use this rule if you're managing your devices with Intune or another MDM solution. This rule is incompatible with management through Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager because this rule blocks WMI commands the Configuration Manager client uses to function correctly. There is no fix, only a workaround, involving updating the ASR setting Block Mode to Audit Mode in Group Policy. Open GPO Management and locate the ASR rules under Windows Components/Microsoft Defender Antivirus/Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard/Attack Surface Reduction. Open the 'Configure Attack Surface Reduction Rules'. Update value name 'D1E49AAC-8F56-4280-B9BA-993A6D77406C' from 1 to 2. Gpupdate /force to refresh the GPO's on the client, then check the eventlog for 5007 recording the change from Block to Audit Mode. Test an SCCM Application deployment to confirm the fix. One final check of the event log confirming event id 1122 for the deployed application.

  • Securing Weak File, Folder and Registry Hive Permissions.

    This blog will explore how threat actors aka hackers are able to privesc when a weak file, directory or registry permissions are available. Often installed programs disable directory inheritance and configure excessive permissions to user accounts. Locating these misconfigurations will often go unnoticed as it requires validating swaths of file, directory and registry hive permissions. Luckily I've a couple of scripts that assist in both reporting vulnerabilities and resetting the correct permissions. But first the problem at hand..... The Risks Weak file, directory and registry permissions are often significant factors in threat actors being able to break out and privesc. If the aforementioned permissions are not set properly, it can give threat actors the opportunity to gain access to sensitive files or modify existing files. Weak permissions allow the user to write and execute programs in the directory or redirect application paths set in the registry to another location permitting the user to execute their own malicious programs. This can be used to gain access to privileged information or to modify existing programs or files. In addition to writing and executing programs, weak directory permissions can also allow the user to modify the permissions of existing files. This can be used to modify or delete existing files, or to create new files with malicious code. Finally, weak permissions can also allow hackers to gain access to the system by exploiting vulnerabilities in the operating system or the applications installed on the system. What to do.... Validating permissions throughout the Operating System is slow and laborious when done manually and after finding some truly awful permissions and realising the importance of the task at hand I started developing a validation and pentest script. It's available online and downloadable from github, all referenced links are at the bottom of the page. Download the Security Report script and review it prior to running with admin privileges. The report outputs in HTML and checks for privesc, breakouts and misconfigurations. If there are file, directory or registry permission weaknesses found in the Security Report then download and run 'Fix for Weak Permissions' PowerShell script. As always test and review the script before executing. The script validates the following location for any User or Authenticated Users that are able to modify or above. C:\ "C:\PerfLogs\" "C:\Program Files"\ "C:\Program Files (x86)\" "C:\Windows\" 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\' 'HKLM:\Software\' The Scripts The Security Report Support Page The Security Report Script Fix for Weak Permissions

  • Living off the Land

    Living off the land is a technique used by attackers to compromise IT systems without using malicious software. Instead, they use legitimate but vulnerable applications and services to gain access to a system and carry out their malicious activities. This approach can be incredibly successful and difficult to detect, as attackers do not have to introduce any malicious files or code into the system. Living off the land entails attackers finding out what programs are running on the target system and then exploiting known vulnerabilities in those applications. The goal is to gain access to the system and use it for malicious purposes, such as stealing data or launching a denial-of-service attack. Attackers can use several methods to gain access to the system, including exploiting vulnerable software, using unsecured services, or taking advantage of weak or default passwords. One of the main advantages of living off the land is that it is difficult to detect. Since the attacker is not introducing any malicious code or files into the system, there are often no tell-tale signs that an attack is taking place. It is only when the attacker’s activities are discovered that the attack can be identified. Organizations should be aware of the risks posed by living off the land attacks. They should perform regular security audits to ensure that their systems are up to date and that all applications and services are properly secured. It is also a good idea to change passwords regularly and to monitor for suspicious activity. In addition, organizations should ensure that they have an incident response plan in place, in case a living off the land attack is detected. Living off the land attacks can be highly effective and difficult to detect, but organizations can take steps to protect themselves from these threats. Living off the land attacks can be prevented by implementing robust security policies, awareness training for all users, monitoring of systems and user activity, and using secure protocols and encryption. Additionally, organizations should regularly review their security posture and make security improvements when needed. This could include regularly patching or updating systems, using application whitelisting, and implementing firewalls and other security measures. Additionally, businesses should keep their data and systems secure by using strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and other authentication protocols. Authored by ChatGPT

  • What is ChatGPT

    ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot that has been developed to create conversations with people. It is powered by a deep learning model called a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT). This model uses a large corpus of text to generate new conversations based on input from the user. ChatGPT is a relatively new chatbot technology and is being used by many companies to create more interactive customer service experiences. ChatGPT is a great way to engage customers and provide them with a more natural conversation experience. It can also be used for a variety of other applications such as creating automated customer support and providing information. ChatGPT works by using natural language processing (NLP) to understand the input from the user and generate a response. The Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model is then used to generate a response based on the input. The GPT model is trained on a large corpus of text, which allows the model to generate more natural conversations. When using ChatGPT, the user will enter a phrase or question and the chatbot will respond with an appropriate response. The response can be tailored to the context of the conversation, allowing for more natural conversations with the user. The applications of ChatGPT are virtually endless. It can be used to provide customer service, provide information, and even automate customer support. It can also be used in a variety of other applications such as virtual personal assistants, automated customer support, customer service bots, customer engagement, and more. ChatGPT is a great way to engage customers and provide them with a more natural conversation experience. It can also be used for a variety of other applications such as creating automated customer support and providing information. The technology is still in its early stages, but it is already being used by many companies to provide a more natural customer service experience. The technology is constantly evolving, and it is becoming more sophisticated and powerful with each passing day. The technology is becoming increasingly popular, and it is being used by many companies for a variety of applications. It is an exciting technology that is sure to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and customer service in the future. Here are some examples of how ChatGPT can be used: 1. Automated Customer Support: ChatGPT can be used to create automated customer support experiences. By using the natural language processing (NLP) capabilities of the chatbot, companies can create automatic conversations that are tailored to the user’s needs. This can be used to provide customer service, provide information, and even automate customer support. 2. Virtual Personal Assistants: ChatGPT can be used to create virtual personal assistants. These assistants can be used to provide information, answer questions, and help customers with their needs. They can also be used to provide personalized recommendations, making the customer service experience more personal. 3. Customer Engagement: ChatGPT can be used to engage customers and help them find the information they need. This can be used to provide customer service, provide information, and even automate customer support. 4. Automated Customer Support: ChatGPT can be used to provide automated customer support experiences. Companies can use the natural language processing (NLP) capabilities of the chatbot to create automated conversations that are tailored to the user’s needs. This can be used to provide customer service, provide information, and even automate customers. Authored by ChatGPT @

  • Ivanti Endpoint Manager Initial Setup for Endpoint Protection

    Ivanti's Endpoint Protection's Application Control: Ivanti Endpoint Protection is a comprehensive security solution that provides organizations with a comprehensive set of security tools designed to protect their endpoints, networks, and data. It is designed to protect users from the latest threats, such as malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks. It also provides advanced capabilities, such as patch management, application control, and user privilege management. With Ivanti Endpoint Protection, organizations can ensure their endpoints are secure and protected from the latest threats. This article focuses on the initial setup of Ivanti Endpoint Manager and Endpoint Security Application Control, agent deployment and policy. This will provide the bases for the next round of 'verses' articles having thoroughly abused Windows Applocker, WDAC and GPO. The following has been extracted from the Ivanti Endpoint Protection user guide downloadable from (here). Ivanti® Endpoint Manager and Endpoint Security for Endpoint Manager consists of a wide variety of powerful and easy-to-use tools you can use to help manage and protect your Windows, Macintosh, mobile, Linux, and UNIX devices. Endpoint Manager and Security tools are proven to increase end user and IT administrator productivity and efficiencyLANDesk Application control offers the following system-level security: Kernel-level, rule-based file-system protection Registry Protection Startup Control Detection of stealth rootkits Network filtering Process and file/application certification File protection rules that restrict actions that executable programs can perform on specified files The initial Ivanti setup focus's on Ivanti Endpoint Protection's (EP) Application Control to compare and pit against Microsoft's Applocker and WDAC. Ivanti's EP Firewall, Device Control and AV policies won't be configured, although it is capable of providing a full management suite of protections from within a single console. The focus is Ivant EP vs Microsoft's application control, the paid 3rd part tools versus the free inbuilt tools. Ivanti Download: The good news, Ivanti provides 45 day, fully featured trial software, allowing plenty of time for EP to be put through its paces. The bad news, the trial software is not current, the download is for the 2020.1 version and not the latest 2022.2 or higher. A little sub-optimal considering it's for endpoint protection and security. Links to access Ivanti Endpoint Manager 2020.1: 45 day trial sign-up (here). Installation guide (here), Domain with a SQL server is required. Exclaimers: After following the installation guide, Ivanti will require a fair amount of fettling to deploy Application Control in enforcement mode. Remember, it's only for application execution to provide a direct comparison to Applocker and WDAC and a baseline reference for EP configuration. I'm not an Ivanti expert, I've spent a day installing and learning Ivanti. It's expected that the lack of experience with this product results in some ambiguity, I'm not interested in the journey but the net result of trying to exploit Windows with Ivanti Endpoint Protection enabled. Initial Login: Let's get to it...... From the Start Menu launch 'Ivanti Management Console', and enter the account details used during setup. Add LDAP Configuration: To integrate AD, providing search and deployment of policy, agent and software: Click on 'Configuration' in the lower left pane. Right-click on 'Directory' and 'Manage Directory...' 'Add', follow the wizard to include the domain structure using the Domain Admin account. Initial Agent Audit Policy: Initially, the endpoint and its software is unknown and an agent is required to be deployed. Click 'Configuration' in the bottom left windows and then select 'Agent Configuration', then the top left. In the 'Agent Configuration' window, bottom right, right-click and select 'New Windows agent configuration'. Update the 'Agent Configuration': Update 'Configuration Name' with something meaningful. Check the 'Endpoint Security option. Browse and then select 'Endpoint Protection' under 'Distribute and Patch' and then 'Security and Compliance'. Click 'Configure'. Within 'Endpoint Security' check 'Application Control:' and then click on '....' to configure the Application Control policy. Select 'Advanced' under 'Application Protection' and click on 'Learning'. With the initial policy when Ivanti is 'Learning' there is no reason to tempt fate by locking ourselves out of the client. Select 'Learning' for 'Whitelisting'. Save the changes and close both the 'Application Control' and 'Agent Configuration wizards. Agent Deployment: The agent and EP policy has been created and requires deploying to a client. Ivanti Management is fully featured and comes with LANDesk. For those that aren't familiar it's on par with SCCM\MECM. Here's a guide to assist in deploying the Ivanti agent (here). For expedience, I've opted for manual agent deployment. Right-click on the new agent and select 'Advance Agent'. Copy the URL and log on to the Windows 10 or 11 client. Download the .exe and install. Both Windows Defender and SmartScreen GPO's required updating to allow the Ivanti agent to install. Once the agent's installed, launch 'Ivanti Endpoint Security' from the Start Menu for a quick review. Excellent, Application Control and Whitelist learning policies are in effect. In preparation for blocking mode, launch installed applications on the client and run through some user activity. This activity is audited and logged to the Ivanti server for approval. It's time for a long coffee break, the file activity can take a little while to report back to the Ivanti server console. The initial audit results will take a few hours, a full audit will take overnight. Audited Files: With the agent installed the 'Win10-01' client becomes available to manage by right-clicking. Top tip, from Diagnostics its possible to see Ivant client and core logs. To view the audited files select 'Security and Patch' then 'Application Information'. As this is a new installation of Ivanti Endpoint Protection the audited files are classed as 'undecided'. It's not as simple as clicking and then approving the files, this can only be accomplished by updating the 'Agent Configuration' settings. Endpoint Security Policy - Blocking Mode: The agent has been deployed in learning mode, enabling file data collection to be available in the console. At this point, those files require authorising and blocking mode enabling. The easiest method of updating the client from learning to blocking was to update the agent and not just the Endpoint Security policy, having failed repeated attempts. Right-click the 'Agent Deployment - Initial Config', Copy and then Paste, maintaining the original agent settings. Rename the agent configuration to reflect its purpose, 'Agent Deployment - Windows Client Blocking'. Right-click the new agent config, 'Properties'. Navigate to 'Endpoint Security' via 'Distribution and Patch' and then 'Security and Compliance'. Click 'Configure...' and in the 'Configure endpoint security setting' click 'New'. Add a meaningful name to the 'Endpoint Security' wizard. Click on 'Default Policy' and select ... next to the 'Application control' dropdown. Click on 'New...' On the 'General Settings' update the name. Click on 'Application Protection' and check the following: Enable application behaviour protections Prevent master boot record (MBR) encryption Auto detect and blacklist crypto-ransomware Under 'File protection rules' select all the options, not all these options may be suitable for an enterprise, and some trial and error may be required. Under 'Application Protection' click on 'Advanced' and 'Blocking', and remove any checks for 'Learning mode ...' Under 'Whitelisting' check all options and 'Configure' and select all the script options. Scripts will require authorising to work. Again on the 'Advanced' page select 'Blocking' and uncheck 'Learning mode ...' save the changes. Highlight the new policy and then 'Use Selected'. Enable Microsoft * as a trusted signer, under 'Digital Signatures'. As Ivanti is authorising files by hash it seems prudent to trust and thus allow all Microsoft files. Ivanti operates at the kernel level, any file not authorised will be denied including system files, it's reasonable to expect blue bends (BSoD) in this case. Click 'Add...' on the 'Application File List'. Click 'New'. To authorise collected from the client click on the yellow circle with a downward arrow. Click 'Import from other application file lists... ' Check the 'Computer' and select the client. Ctrl + A to highlight all files and right-click, the 'Override reputation...' Enable 'Good'. To ensure that blocking mode is enabled, set CMD.exe's reputation to 'Bad'. Click 'Next', returning to the Application File List. Highlight CMD.exe and then click on the pencil, 'Edit Application Files'. Set the execution from Allow to Block. OK the changes, close the Application File List, returning to the 'Configure Application File Lists'. Highlight the new blocking policy then click 'Use selected'. Update the 'Learning list:' drop down to that of the Win10 approval file list and save the changes. Ensure the 'Machine Configuration' is configured with the new Windows 10 Client Policy and save the changes. Point of note: No Dll's were listed in the authorised file list, from previous testing bypassing application protections can be achieved when dll file types arent protected. Read this (here) where Applocker was successfully bypassed by malware with a DLL file extention. Deploy Agent in Blocking Mode: Click on 'Configuration' in the bottom left pane and then 'Agent Configuration'. In the bottom right pane select 'My Configurations'. Right-click and properties on the 'Agent Deployment - Windows Client Blocking' As the target client already has the agent installed a 'scheduled agent deployment' or 'scheduled update to agent settings' should work. I've opted for the agent deployment, removing the old agent and settings alnd installing the new agent with the new blocking configuration. Click on 'Targets', then 'Targeted Devices', and click on 'Add'. Select the Windows client with the agent installed and ensure the client box is checked. In 'Schedule task', select 'Start Now' and then 'Save'. The Client: Log in to the client and after about 15 minutes the Ivanti agent with the blocking configuring will have been deployed. The client is likely to show that the 'Status' is disabled for all components with 'Application Control' also displaying 'Off'. Reboot the client. After the reboot the agent should show the following: Launching cmd.exe displays the following Ivanti message, cmd is indeed blocked and policy and settings are successfully applied. The process of creating and deploying Ivanti EP is understood and is repeatable. The next step is to test how effective Ivanti EP is at protecting Windows from various Remote Code Exploits, Local Code Exploits and Reverse Shells following the same patterns used testing Applocker and Device Guard (WDAC). To follow shortly......

  • Code Signing PowerShell Scripts

    In this article, I'll describe the process of Code Signing PowerShell scripts from a Microsoft CA. I'll not cover how Code Signing adds security, simply put Code Signing doesn't provide or was intended to provide a robust security layer. However, Code Signing does provide both Authenticity and Integrity: The Authenticity that the script was written or reviewed by a trusted entity and then signed. Integrity ensures that once signed the script hasn't been modified, useful when deploying scripts or executing scripts by a scheduled task with a service account. Bypassing Code Signing requirements is simple, open ISE, paste in the code and F8, instant bypass. However, my development 'Enterprise' system is not standard, ISE won't work as Constrained Language Mode prevents all but core functionality from loading, meaning no API's, .Net, Com and most modules. As a note, even with the script, code signed, ISE is next to useless with Constrained Language Mode enforced. Scripts require both signing and authorising in Applocker\WDAC and will only execute from native PowerShell. Back to it..... This is a typical message when executing a PowerShell script with the system requiring Code Signing. To successfully execute the script, the script must be signed with a digital signature from either a CA or Self Signed certificate. I'm not going to Self Sign, it's filth and I've access to a Microsoft Certificate Authority (CA) as part of the Enterprise. Login to the CA, launch 'Manage' and locate the 'Code Signing' template, then 'Duplicate Template'. Complete the new template with the following settings: General: Name the new certificate template with something meaningful and up the validity to 3 years or to the maximum the corporate policy allows. Compatibility: Update the Compatibility Settings and Certificate Recipient to 'Windows Server 2016' and 'Windows 10/Windows Server 2016' respectively. Request Handling: Check the 'Allow private key to be exported'. Cryptographic: Set 'Minimum key size' to either 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 or 16,384 Select 'Requests must use one of the following providers:' and check 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider' (description) Security: Ideally, enrolment is controlled via an AD Group with both READ and Enrol permissions. Do not under any circumstances allow WRITE or FULL. Save the new template and then issue by right-clicking on 'Certificate Template' > New and 'Certificate Template to Issue'. From a client and logged on with the account that is a member of the 'CRT_PowerShellCodeSigning' group, launch MMC and add the Certificate snap-in for the Current User. Browse to Personal > Certificates and right-click in the empty space to the right, then click on 'All Tasks' > 'Request New Certificate. Select the 'Toyo Code Signing' template and then click on 'Properties' to add in some additional information. Add a Friendly Name and Description. Enrol the template. Now, right-click on the new 'Code Signing' certificate > All Tasks > Export. Select 'Yes, export the private key'. Ensure the 2 PKCS options are selected. Check the 'Group or username (recommended)' and on the Encryption drop-down select 'AES256-SHA256'. Complete the wizard by exporting the .pfx file The final step is to sign a script with the .pfx file using PowerShell. Set-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath "C:\Downloads\SecureReport9.4.ps1" -cert "C:\Downloads\CodeSigning.pfx" Open the newly signed script and at the bottom of the script is the digital signature. Launch PowerShell.exe and run the script. For those with Applocker\WDAC then the script requires adding to the allow list by file hash. Now I'll be able to execute my own Pentest script on my allegedly secure system and locate any missing settings..... As always thanks for your support.

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