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Writer's pictureTenaka

Update Windows Services to Use Least Privilege Accounts with PowerShell

It's standard for applications services to run with System. In many cases, this is excessive and leaves the Operating System vulnerable to escalation attacks particularly if there is an unquoted path or an unpatched vulnerability. The following is a script deployable from MDT or SCCM for use on standalone and domain-joined systems. It's when the service account doesn't require a domain account but benefits from the least privilege and randomized passwords.

The script creates a service account without any elevated privileges and adds to the 'Logon as Service' Right and then updates the Windows Service for the targeted application. The password for each svc account is unique to prevent one compromised password from allowing all systems with that account and password combination to be compromised. Passwords are not written out to disk, otherwise its possible recover the files and password with recovery tools.

The github script is downloadable from (here)

<# .Synopsis

Update a Windows Service that is using system to a non-priv user account


List the service account name and name of the Windows Service to be updated.

Create the User account and strip out Local User group so its not interactive, set a randomized password

Update the Service with account and password

Export and update User Rights Assignments for the Service Account to have 'Logon as a Service' right

.Version #>

#List of Service Accounts (svc_) and the application the svc_ will run as a service $svc1 = @{"svc_splunk" = "splunk"} $svc2 = @{"svc_account2" = "Application2"} $svc3 = @{"svc_account3" = "Application3"}

$svcUsers = $svc1, $svc2, $svc3

#Create Service Account, randomised password #Find Windows Service and update to use Service account foreach ($svcAcc in $svcUsers) { #Svc Account $svcAccount = $svcAcc.Keys #Application Name $appName = $svcAcc.Values

#Password length $length = 12

#Number of random characters $random = 3

#Creates complex random password for each svc account

$assembly = Add-Type -AssemblyName system.web $randPass = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword($length,$random)

#Create svc account with randomized password and unable to change own password.

net user $svcAccount $randPass /PASSWORDCHG:NO /ADD /YES

#remove user group so its a service account and not able to interactively logon net localgroup users $svcAccount /DELETE

#if account needs access to read security events, normally if service account event forwards to SIEM if ($svcAccount -eq "svc_splunk") { #add to eventlog users group to read security event logs net localgroup "Event Log Readers" $svcAccount /ADD }

#sets password to never expire WMIC useraccount where "Name='$svcAccount'" SET PasswordExpires=FALSE

#get the Windows Service based on the name of the listed App $svcName = gwmi Win32_service -Filter "name='$appName'"

#Update Windows Service so the svc account and password replace system service $svcNAme.change($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$false,".\$svcAccount",$randPass)


#Hostname $hn = hostname

#Create new folder to export security template to $path = "C:\Logs\Services" New-Item $path -ItemType Directory -Force

#Export Security Settings inc User Rights Assignments with secedit.exe secEdit.exe /export /cfg $path\currentTemplate.inf

#List the current user account SID's for 'Logon as a service' $logonAsRight = Select-String $path\currentTemplate.inf -Pattern "SEServiceLogonRight" $origSids = $logonAsRight.Line

#Create an empty Template Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value '[Unicode]' Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value 'unicode=YES' Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value '[System Access]' Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value '[Event Audit]' Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value '[Registry Values]' Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value '[version]' Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value 'signature="$CHICAGO$"' Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value 'Revision=1' Add-Content -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -Value '[Privilege Rights]'

#array for new service accounts and their sids $svcSid=@() foreach ($svcAcc in $svcUsers)

{ #Service Account $svcAcc = $svcAcc.Keys

#Application Name for Service $appName = $svcAcc.Values

#new object for each service account $objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("$hn\$svcAcc") $strSid = $objUser.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]) $svcSid += $strSid.Value }

#take original sids and add to new list of sids $sidOld =@() $sidOld += $origSids

#combined list of sids foreach ($svc in $svcSid) { $sidCombine += ",*$svc" }

#foreach sid add to the newTemplate.inf foreach ($sidIndi in $sidCombine) { Add-Content -Value $sidIndi -Path $path\newTemplate.inf -NoNewline }

#Run the SecEdit command to import the all accounts and add to Logon as a Service. secedit.exe /configure /db $path\secEdit.sdb /cfg $path\newTemplate.inf /log $path\newTemplate.log

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